Christopher Kilner
- Class: 2016
- Majors: Biochemistry, Cell and Molecular Biology; Environmental Science; Philosophy
- College: College of Arts & Sciences
- Hometown: Rockville, Maryland
Christopher Kilner knew well the benefits of involvement and leadership. As a triple major, recipient of the Barry M. Goldwater Scholarship, Student Government president and an active participant in research, Christopher made the most of the immense opportunities that await all students on Scranton’s campus.
On getting involved
“The University really encourages active participation, not just in clubs, not just in sports, but in every dynamic opportunity on campus. The possibilities for getting involved are many—and they are immediately available, even as first-year students.”
On finding passion
“Scranton really helps students to find their passion, and it’s why nearly everyone on this campus is involved in at least one or two things. My advice to prospective students: find what you’re passionate about, because getting involved and taking on leadership positions will come naturally once you find that passion.”
On lessons learned
“I’ve realized what I’m capable of through taking on these leadership opportunities. Secondly, I’ve learned a lot more about the importance of interpersonal relationships and working well with others. The biggest impact that I can make isn’t necessarily what I get done within these roles, but the example that I can set for others to pick up the mantle and add more than I ever could.”